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Welcome to the Short Meter Academy website!
The Short Film Academy (abbreviated SFA) is a professional community of filmmakers from all over the world, created and incorporated into the organizational structure of Eternity Pictures in 2022.

The Short meter Academy is based on the intersection of key components — creativity, production and technology. The Academy's doors are open to professionals and young talents. The development and support of diversity and inclusivity is a priority for all 15 significant qualification categories that are accepted to the Academy as Academy Members and / or cinematographers who submit their short films for the selection rounds of the Short Film Awards.

The main task of the Academy today is to promote a new standard for the production of short films, initiated in the walls of Eternity Pictures, and denoted by the abbreviation, — CSM, where C is commercial, S - Short, M-Meter. The new format is transformed into a new value, enabling new experiences from viewing short stories throughout the entire life cycle, from creation (production) to consumers around the world.

Eternity Pictures will provide the technological and marketing components for placing new CSM-class films based on its own streaming service on the site

Members of the Short Film Academy are cinematographers from all over the world who are internationally recognized in the industry, awarded many awards and other distinctions, such as titles and professional status-vocation (for example, the status of a member of the European Film Academy). Academy members participate in digital voting according to their professional status, selecting nominees for the Short Film Awards.

Join the Academy!
Fundamentals of Short Film Academy
Filmmakers from all over the world. Bringing together filmmakers from all over the world is a key condition for the effective and systematic development of innovations in the production and commercialization of short films.

High quality standards with support for diversity. The production of CSM-generation short films is unconditionally implemented using the production standard of the same name, which includes the basis for the release of high-quality, ready-for-commercial distribution films. Support for the genre diversity of films, cast and crew members is mandatory.

Fair competition for the top prize. Members of the Short Film Academy chair the selection committee for the Film Awards of the same name, which accepts applications from filmmakers and local production teams around the world to determine the best film. The main prize: an original statuette and commercial distribution of the film on the streaming service Eternity Pictures.
Conditions for joining the Academy (as a member of the Academy)
The members of the Short Film Academy form a community of professionals and young talents in the field of film and art from all over the world who share our vision, values and mission for the global development of the film and art industry, both in the context of short films and full-length feature films.

Membership of the Short Meter Academy allows you to identify new talents, as well as recognize their level of qualification and skill, opening the way to new opportunities and development prospects. Membership in the Short Meter Academy does not have the right to be politicized. Members of the Academy are invited to vote for the highest award-the Short Film Awards, participating in each work in the field of cinema and art, sent from all over the world, to make an expert choice based on their professionalism. Members of the Academy also take part in periodic surveys regarding the innovation and development of short films throughout their entire life cycle: from idea to implementation (worldwide distribution).

The doors of the Short Meter Academy Membership are open to people who are actively building their career in the film industry (motion pictures, digital video content, games, the television industry, theaters, universities of culture and art, film schools, and others). Mandatory criteria evaluated at the verification stage are the level of education received and / or completed (completed) and the quality of one's portfolio.

The submitted electronic application for Short Film Academy membership is reviewed by the senior management of Eternity Pictures during a meeting that determines the candidate's level of compliance with the candidate's eligibility criteria. In case of a positive decision, the candidate will be notified by e-mail specified in the electronic application for membership with further instructions on how to pay the membership fee and the rules that apply to all current members of the Academy.

The following conditions also apply to the membership status::

Membership is activated for a period of 360 days;
  • Membership received earlier can be extended (including the payment period during the event).;
  • Admission to membership upon receipt of an official invitation to the candidate's email address is carried out exclusively on a voluntary basis, as well as the subsequent payment within the membership fee (also considered organizational).;
  • Submission of an electronic application for membership, as well as other applications, including those involving payment transactions, is carried out only through the unified automated information system of Eternity Pictures on the site;
  • The rate for membership in the Short Meter Academy is the same for all territories of the world, and is 14 thousand rubles (Russian currency, RUR (RUB)), which is also recalculated on the billing date for each approved membership candidate.

Professional categories that can be candidates, as well as the applicant of their films:
  • Producers;
  • Film directors;
  • Cinematographers;
  • Movie actors;
  • Authors of the script;
  • Casting directors;
  • Editors (Editing directors);
  • Production designers;
  • Costume designers;
  • Makeup artists (in category: Special Makeup);
  • Sound engineers;
  • Composers;
  • Special Effects Supervisors (SFX);
  • Visual Effects Supervisors (VFX);
  • Animation supervisors.

Detailed list of requirements:
Conditions for submitting a short film
The conditions for submitting a short film are laid down in twenty (20) published rules. These rules apply to all cinematographers from any territory of the world who wish to submit their film (or a film from a film/TV studio, production studio, or private film company as an official representative) to participate in the selection program in several stages to determine the best film (The winner in a certain category on the date of the appointed event).:
Academy of Short Film Awards
The Short Film Awards are an award presented by the Short Film Academy, in association with Eternity Pictures Entertainment, which celebrates achievements in the world of short film cinema worldwide.

Awards are given in 28 categories:

  1. Best Leading Actor in a Short Feature Film;
  2. Best Supporting Actor in a Short Feature Film;
  3. Best Female Lead in a Short Feature Film;
  4. Best Supporting Actress in a Short Feature Film;
  5. Best Costume Design in a Short Feature Film;
  6. Best Director of a Short Feature Film;
  7. Best Director in a Short Documentary;
  8. Best Director in an Animated Short Film;
  9. Best Short Feature Film;
  10. Best Short Documentary Feature;
  11. Best Animated Short Film;
  12. Best editing of a short feature film;
  13. Best Editing of a Short Documentary;
  14. Best Editing of an animated Short Film;
  15. Best Makeup in a Short Feature Film;
  16. Best Makeup in a Short Documentary;
  17. Best Makeup in a Short Feature Film;
  18. Best Music in a Short Feature Film;
  19. Best Music in a Short Documentary;
  20. Best Music in an Animated Short Film;
  21. Best Sound in a Short Feature Film;
  22. Best Sound in a Short Documentary;
  23. Best Sound in an animated Short Film;
  24. Best Visual Effects in a Short Feature Film;
  25. Best Special Effects in a Short Feature Film;
  26. Best Original Screenplay for a Short Feature Film;
  27. Best Cinematography;
  28. Best Original screenplay.